Sophia Regopoulos

Doctoral Researcher

Department Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Classics Lab

90443 Nürnberg



Curriculum Vitae

Education – Academic Degrees

2013 Panhellenic examinations (qualification for university entrance)
2013-15 Study of Ancient Greek and Latin Philology, Linguistics, Byzantine Philology and Modern Greek Literature, University of Ioannina, Greece.
2015-16 Study of Ancient Greek and Latin Philology and Modern Greek Literature as an exchange student at the Free University of Berlin with an Erasmus+ scholarship
2016-19 B.A. in Ancient Greek and Latin Philology, Free University of Berlin
2017 Summer School on Greek Paleography, Manuscript Studies and Studies on the edition of ancient texts (Editionswissenschaften) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2019-22 Graduate Studies (M.A.) in Ancient Greek and Latin Philology, Free University of Berlin
2022-23 First year of Ph.D. in Ancient Greek Philology, Free University of Berlin – Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Uhlmann
2022-23 Study of Law, Free University of Berlin
Since 2023 Continuation of Ph.D. in Ancient Greek Philology, University of Technology Nuremberg – Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Uhlmann | Dissertation Committee: Prof. Dr. Chr. Vogel, Prof. Dr. I. Jahnke


Academic Work Experience

2015-21 Student assistant at the collaborative research center 980 “Episteme in Motion” (project area A04)
2016-17 Work experience with digital copies of manuscripts as a student assistant at the Aristotle Archive of Free University of Berlin
2016 Research on women philosophers in late antique philosophers’ biographies as part of a contract for work (Free University of Berlin)
2019 Research on the topic of “political education, rhetoric and social cohesion” as part of a contract for work (Free University of Berlin)
2022 Teaching of “Plato’s Euthyphro” (course of postgraduate studies, summer semester) as part of a teaching contract at the Free University of Berlin
2022-23 Research Associate at the Chair of Ancient Greek Studies of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at the Free University of Berlin
Since 2023 Research Associate at the Classics Lab of the Department Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Technology Nuremberg


Teaching activities as a Research Associate

  • “Introduction to Greek Literature I” (course of undergraduate studies, winter semester)
  • “Plato’s Politeia” (course of postgraduate studies, summer semester)
In addition to teaching, my activities as a Research Associate also include(d)

  • Organization, coordination and supervision of scientific workshops and lecture series
  • Organization, coordination and supervision of events as part of the public outreach of Ancient Greek Studies (Propädeutikum, Day of Study, Lecture und Discussion Series) – Concept: Prof. Gyburg Uhlmann
  • Organization and coordination of the presentation format “Gräzistische Präsentation” (presentation of the field of ancient Greek studies) for students from other degree programs – Concept: Sophia Regopoulos



Research Interests Classical Philosophy (particularly Plato, Platonism and Aristotle), Reception of ancient Greek thought and the impact of antiquity on later intellectual history, Ancient Greek Law, History of Law, Literary Studies



2021 Regopoulos, S., Text und Metatext in Sosipatras Vita, in: Rhetoric & Science, vol. 1, Efstathiou, A. (ed.), Center for the Study of the Ancient World (CSAW), Corfu, 2021, pp. 119-137.


(Selected) Lectures

2019 Lecture on “Text and Metatext in Eunapius‘ Life of Sosipatra” in the International Workshop “Mapping the Rhetoric of Science Writing in Antiquity and Beyond” at the Ionian University (Corfu, Greece) on 29.03.2019
2023 Lecture on „Der Eigentumsbegriff in Platons Euthydemos” at the Research Colloquium of Classical Greek Studies at the Free University of Berlin (Germany) on 02.05.2023.
2024 Lecture on “Nulla poena sine lege (scripta)? Rechtssicherheit und Medien des Rechts in der griechischen Antike“ at the 2nd conference on Legal History „Rechtssicherheit im Wandel der Zeit“ at the University of Vienna (Austria) on 20.06.2024.
2024 Lecture on “Eristische, sophistische und platonische Zugänge zum Recht auf Eigentum” at the Research Colloquium of Classical Greek Studies at the Free University of Berlin (Germany) on 29.10.2024.
2024 Lecture on “Platons Eigentumsbegriff” as part of the lecture series (Ringvorlesung) “Philosophie der Antike” at the FAU, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) on 12.11.2024.


Current PhD project

A philological (legal-historical) and philosophical study of the concept of property in Greek antiquity.


Service Activities

Science outreach (non-specialist audience)

2017 Short presentation on “Parchment” as part of the section “Papyrus, parchment and writing tablet: books and libraries in antiquity and the Middle Ages” (KinderUni) at the Free University of Berlin on 10.10.2017 (in German)
2022 Lecture on the topic “Aristotle’s Rhetoric or: Why doesn’t Aristotle write a proper textbook?” (Propädeutikum) at the Free University of Berlin on 24.11.2022 (in German)
2023 Lecture on Aristotle’s rhetoric as part of the day of study “Good speaker = good manipulator? Is rhetoric helpful or is it more harmful?” at the Free University of Berlin on 12.01.2023 (in German)
2023 Lecture “Greek Philology: Text – History – Discovery. Looking behind the scenes of ancient Greek philosophical texts, with a special focus on Plato” at the Free University of Berlin on 25.01.2023 (in German)
2023 Lecture “Underworld myths in Plato’s Politeia” (Propädeutikum) at the Free University of Berlin on 12.06.2023 (in German)
2024 Lecture on “Rhetoric, Truth and Fake News” (Wissenschaftswoche) at the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) on 27.02. and 28.02.2024 (in German)
2024 Lecture on “Intelligence: The Known Unknown” (visit of MA students) at the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) on 22.10.2024 (in English)



2023-2025 Elected member of the Steering Committee of the School of Students and young Researches at the University of Technology Nuremberg (as the representative of academic employees)
2024 Member of the Committee for the Appointment of a Professorship (W2) in Theoretical Philosophy with a Focus on Epistemology (as the representative of academic employees) at UTN
2024 Member of the Committee for the Appointment of a Professorship (W3) in History of Philosophy with a Focus on Early Modern Philosophy (as the representative of academic employees) at UTN
2024 Member of the Steering Group for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) (as the representative of academic employees) at UTN


Voluntary Work

2023 Deputy Secretary of the Election Committee for the repeat election to the 19th Berlin House of Representatives and the District Assembly on 12.02.2023

Language Skills

Modern Greek. Native language
German. Native language
English. Very good
French. Basic communication skills