Adrian Göß

Doctoral Researcher

Department Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Analytics and Optimization Lab

Curriculum Vitae


Since 2022 Doctoral Candidate in Mathematics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen
2019–2021 M. Sc. Mathematics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Minor: Comp. Sc.
Overall grade 1.0
2016–2019 B. Sc. Mathematics & Economics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen
Overall grade: 1.3
2008–2016 Allgemeine Hochschulreife (A levels), Friedrich-Alexander-Gymnasium (High School), Neustadt a.d. Aisch
Overall grade: 1.1


Professional Experience

Since 2023 Research Associate, University of Technology Nuremberg,
CRC/Transregio 154, Nuremberg
Combining Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization for the optimal control of natural gas networks through decomposition approaches
2022–2023 Research Associate, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Department of Data Science),
CRC/Transregio 154, Erlangen-Nuremberg
Combining Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization for the optimal control of natural gas networks through decomposition approaches
2022 Consulting Project, Novartis AG
Administration, data-based analysis and visualization of internal experiments
2019–2022 Researching Student Assistant, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Department of Mathematics, Erlangen-Nuremberg
Conceptual design and implementation of a heuristic for solving mixed-integer programs
2020–2021 Working student in cooperation management, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen
1) Implementation of a gateway between two databases using C#
2) Evaluation of data in csv and Excel format into a holistic view
2020 Consulting Project, Method Park Holding AG
Experience-based conceptual design of a digital alternative to a networking event in the IT sector due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
2018–2020 Working student in Operations Cost, Schaeffler Technologies, Herzogenaurach
1) Administration and further development of a MS Access database with SQL-based back-end
2) Training in self-designed and programmed MS Excel tools
3) Support in the role of a Data Architect in the digitization of the above mentioned database 1/2
2014–2018 Near-production holiday work, Schaeffler Technologies, Herzogenaurach
Activity in the areas of hardening, electroplating, grinding, stamping, final assembly, packaging, logistics and quality assurance



Winter 2022/23 Discrete Optimization III, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen
Topics: Integrality of Polyhedra, Lattice Methods, Solvability of IP in Fixed Dimension, the TSP as an Application
Summer 2023 Discrete Optimization II, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen
Topics: Proximity, Complexity of LPs, Decomposition Approaches (Lagrange, Dantzig-Wolfe, Benders, Extended Formulations), Interior-Point Methods Other Activities


Other Activities

2021–2022 Member of the board — Finance & Legal, Junior Consulting Team e.V., Erlangen-Nuremberg
Strategic management of the student consultancy in the 3-member board team. as well as responsibility for the legal protection, liquidity and organization of the operational legal and financial affairs of the association
Since 2020 Student Consultant, Junior Consulting Team e.V., Erlangen-Nuremberg
1) Support for member training as a customer in project simulation
2) Training of members in programming with Python
3) Multiple participation in the admission process by means of conduction case studies and biographical/situational interviews


2023 Norm-induced Cuts: Optimization with Lipschitzian Black-Box Functions, Optimization 2023, Aveiro, Portugal



A. Göß, A. Martin, S. Pokutta, K. Sharma. Norm-induced Cuts: Optimization with Lipschitzian Black-Box Functions, Preprint, 2023

K. Halbig, A. Göß, D. Weninger. Exploiting User-supplied Decompositions inside Heuristics, Preprint, 2023


Hobbies and Interests

  • Amateur football
  • Weight training
  • Financial assets
  • Fishing