Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm

Department Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Energy Systems and Market Design Lab

Ulmenstraße 52 h EG
90443 Nuremberg

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Curriculum Vitae

Since 2024 Professor of Energy Systems and Market Design, University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN)
2008 – 2024 Professor of Economics and director of the Laboratory for Experimental Research Nuremberg (LERN), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
2007 Habilitation, Economics, University of Cologne
2005-2008 Assistant Professor (Akademische Rätin), University of Cologne
2004/2005 Research Visits, CORE UCL and ULB Brussels, Belgium
2003 – 2005 Assistant Professor, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
2002 PhD (Economics), Humboldt-University Berlin
1998 –2003 Research and Teaching Assistant, Humboldt University Berlin
1998 Diploma in Economics, University of Kiel

CV long version


Recent Publications



In refereed journals
Working papers
Policy reports
Other publications
Op Eds


Memberships of scientific policy advisory bodies (selection)

German Council of Economic Experts (since 2020)

The German Council of Economic Experts is an academic body that advises on economic policy issues. Set up by law in 1963, it is mandated with the task of providing an impartial expert view in the form of periodic assessments of macroeconomic developments in Germany, thus helping economic policymakers and the general public to make informed decisions. The Council is fully independent in its advisory role and operates in a transparent manner. It describes the current economic situation and its likely future development, highlighting any adverse trends and possible ways of averting or mitigating them. To this end it discusses various indicators of economic output, quality of life, sustainability, and politically defined targets. It also analyses the progress, opportunities and risks of current economic policies and identifies potentially conflicting objectives. The Council’s reports and assessments form a key part of the economic policy debate in Germany and have significantly influenced the political decision-making process.

Further information:


Expert Commission on the Energy of the Future Monitoring Process (since 2019)

The Federal Government’s monitoring process “Energy of the Future” has been set up to track the energy transition on a continuous basis: how far have we come with the energy transition? What measures have already been implemented? What are the effects? Will we achieve our goals, or do we need to do some fine-tuning? The central task of the monitoring process is to analyse the reams of statistical information on energy that have been collected and then condense it and make it easy to understand. This involves an assessment of measures that have already been taken and work to pinpoint areas in which further efforts need to be made. In this way, each annual report provides an overview of the energy transition and the stage that it is at this point in time. We need to know where we have got to before we can decide what steps to take next. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has been appointed lead ministry for the monitoring process for the energy transition. Also involved in the process is an independent commission of four renowned energy experts, who provide advice for the drafting process and a scientific opinion on the Monitoring Report.

Further information:


Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs (since 2018)

The Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs (SVRV) is an advisory body of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV). It was set up in November 2014 by the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection, Heiko Maas. The Advisory Council is independent and is based in Berlin. The Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs is tasked with using research findings and drawing on the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection’s practical experience to help shape consumer policy.

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German National Hydrogen Council (since 2020)

The German National Hydrogen Council was appointed by the German government and acts as an independent, non-partisan advisory board. The board consists of 25 high-ranking experts in the fields of economy, science and civil society. The German National Hydrogen Council’s objective is to assist and advise the State Secretaries’ Committee on Hydrogen in the further development and implementation of Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy.

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Member of the Board of the German Council on Foreign Relations (since 2023) 

DGAP is an independent and member-supported non-profit organization, dedicated to fostering effective foreign and security policy, promoting democracy, peace, and the rule of law. Board Members support research, education, and policy discussions while strengthening DGAP’s connections with decision-makers in politics, business, and civil society. Their contributions help advance informed foreign policy decisions and enhance Germany’s expertise in global affairs.

Further information:


Expert Commission on Gas and Heat (2022)

The sharp rise in fossil fuel prices represents a major and, in some cases, existential challenge for many private individuals and companies. Against this background, the German government set up an independent commission of experts to analyze the situation and propose countermeasures. The commission was made up of experts from business, trade unions, academia and non-governmental organizations.

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