During the development phase of the UTN the Founding Steering Board acts as a central decision-making and supervisory body and is responsible for a wide array of matters such as research and innovation, support of early career researchers and academic affairs.
For further questions please contact Team Boards, Networks and Controlling.
The Founding Steering Board consists of the Founding Executive Board
- Founding President Prof. Dr. Michael Huth
- Founding Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin,
- Founding Vice President for Academic and International Affairs Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke,
- and Kanzler Dr. Markus Zanner
together with
- the Founding Chair of the Department Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard,
- the Founding Chair of the Department Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Gyburg Uhlmann,
- the Women’s Representative Dr. Tanja Kaiser,
- the Research Assistant Representatives Yannik Blei und Adrian Göß,
- the Student Representatives Luca Sophia Heller and Timothy Leonhard,
- the Non-Academic Staff Representative Ali Özbay
- and four external members from science, society and business:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Jutta Allmendinger Ph.D., President of the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB),
Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring, Professor of Philosophy at the Technical University of Darmstadt,
Prof. Dr. Harald Kainz, Rector of the TU of Graz, and
Mr. Ulrich Zimmer, Senior Vice President Production Powertrain at MAN Truck & Bus SE Nuremberg.