Homologia – Consensus and equality in Ancient Greece using the example of the discussion strategies of the Platonic Socrates

Date: 26. July 2024Time: 13:30 – 18:00Location: Senatssaal im Kollegienhaus (Universitätsstraße 15, 91054 Erlangen)

In her lecture, UTN professor Gyburg Uhlmann from the Classics Lab will present the Platonic dialogues Crito and Laches and contextualize them in the literature of the 4th century BC. Both texts deal with the topic of consensus building in different ways, but both deal with the dialectical method that Plato has his Socrates introduce in his philosophical discussions. While the dialogue Kriton asks whether and when unjust actions and the breaking of laws can be justified, the hosts of the conversation in Laches want to consult with their guests and Socrates and thereby gain new insights into how they can raise their sons to become brave and virtuous citizens. Both dialogues are based on the historical injustice of the accusation, condemnation and execution of the philosopher Socrates, which Plato and his contemporaries were concerned about throughout their lives.

How can a social consensus be reached on right and wrong? And for what would such a consensus be relevant and a benchmark? Plato subtly and philosophically thoroughly analyzes how opinion formation works or should work and when the opinion shared by many is not taken into account at all, but when a jointly found agreement, a homology, must be adhered to under all external circumstances. Contemporary references and possible applications are obvious and will be addressed in the lecture - in the conviction that ancient texts such as those presented can have immediate significance as knowledge boosters for current issues.


The lecture is part of the third workshop in the series "Basic archaeological terminology" (German speaking). The event organized by the Institute of Classical Achaeology at FAU is dedicated to the concept of equality. Registration via the website of the Institute of Classical Achaeology at FAU is required.


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26. July 2024
13:30 – 18:00

Senatssaal im Kollegienhaus (Universitätsstraße 15, 91054 Erlangen)

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