Subproject: Techno-economic research

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Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Abstract: The research project focuses on analyzing instruments that support the ramp-up of international hydrogen markets. These include instruments such as the European Hydrogen Bank, the H2Global auction mechanism, the German “Klimaschutzverträge” and the Inflation Reduction Act in the USA. The research project classifies the development and results of the various instruments, assess their potential impact and develop proposals for the further development of instruments so that political and economic goals can be pursued and achieved over the ramp-up phase. These include, in particular, the establishment of initial supply, logistics and value chains, the development of domestic production and use, the underpinning of hydrogen partnerships, the creation of import corridors and an impetus for global commodity markets in cooperation with neighboring European countries. Underlying aspects in this context are on the one hand different time horizons, but also strategic preferences and targets. This requires a detailed analysis of hydrogen and its derivatives.
The focus of the sub-project “Techno-ökonomische Forschung” at the UTN is on modeling the supply side for H2/PtX products for a combination of possible partner countries and on concepts for the further development of the instrument design. To this end, existing models for techno-economic modeling of the process chain (production, transport and storage) of various hydrogen-based products will be further developed and integrated into the joint modeling of the mechanisms on the demand side, which is focused on by the OTH Regensburg as a project partner. Furthermore, the regulatory environment of the market ramp-up of low-emission hydrogen and, in particular, the instruments for supporting and accelerating the ramp-up of hydrogen markets are monitored in order to be able to assess the individual and combined effects of the instruments.
Project manager: Veronika Grimm
Stuff: Kiana Niazmand, Johannes Wirth, Markus Albuscheit and Florian Biniosek
Project term: 01.07.2024 – 30.06.2027