1.10.2024The CVMP Lab is moving to Nuremberg.
23.8.2024Eddy Ilg was awarded a full professorship at UTN.
11.7.2024Two of our papers were accepted to ECCV 2024: latentSplat and iNeMo: Incremental Neural Mesh Models for Robust Class-Incremental Learning.
6.5.2024Eddy Ilg became an area chair for NeurIPS.
3.5.2024Our paper Neuroexplicit Diffusion Models for Inpainting of Optical Flow Fields was accepted to ICML.
25.3.2024Our State-of-the-Art Report on Recent Trends in 3D Reconstruction of General Non-Rigid Scenes was accepted to the Eurographics (STAR) and Computer Graphics Forum 2024.
20.3.2024Four of our papers were accepted to CVPR 2024: Neural Point Cloud Diffusion for Disentangled 3D Shape and Appearance Generation, Neural Parametric Gaussians for Non-Rigid Reconstruction, Unsupervised Learning of Category-Level 3D Pose from Object-Centric Videos, and Accurate Training Data for Occupancy Map Prediction in Automated Driving using Evidence Theory.
20.3.2024Kevin Raj completed his Master’s thesis.
13.3.2024Devikalyan Das completed his Master’s thesis.
17.2.2024Ahsan Jalil joined the lab for his Master’s thesis.
16.2.2024Kunwar Singh joined the lab as a student assistant.
12.2.2024Nikhil Paliwal, Tomas Amado and Suraj Sudhakar joined the lab as a student assistant.
28.1.2024Xiaojie Zhang, Hevra Petekkaya, and Aishwarya Kshirsagar joined the lab as student assistants.


23.12.2023The lab currently has two open PhD positions and one open PostDoc position!
21.12.2023Our work on Neural Point Cloud Diffusion is now on arXiv.
21.12.2023Our work on Neural Parametric Gaussians for Non-Rigid Reconstruction is now on arXiv.
23.11.2023Our work on Quantum-Hybrid Stereo Matching was accepted to 3DV 2024.
30.10.2023Eddy Ilg became an area chair for ECCV.
8.9.2023Our SimNP work was accepted to ICCV 2023 and is available on arXiv.
11.7.2023The lab will offer the new lectures “3D Computer Vision” and “3D Real World Modeling and Inference” in upcoming winter and summer semesters.
11.7.2023The lab is looking for a co-founder for a startup on “3D Visual Product Search”.
11.7.2023We are looking for Hiwis and Tutors to hold the 3D Vision lecture.
1.7.2023Cameron Braunstein got accepted into the RTG on RTG 2853 Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action as a PhD student and will be cosupervised by Eddy Ilg and Mariya Toneva.
1.7.2023Navdeepal Singh joins the lab as a Master’s Student.
8.5.2023Our DFG Research Training Group “RTG 2853 Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action” was accepted and Eddy Ilg is one of the PIs. See the press release here.
1.5.2023Jonas Kälble joined the lab as en external PhD student at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence.
17.4.2023Pranay Raj joined the lab for Master’s thesis.
12.4.2023Eddy Ilg became AE of TPAMI.
1.2.2023Suraj Sudhakar and Kevin Raj are starting their Master’s thesis, cosupervised by Eddy Ilg and Raza Yunus.


15.12.2022Raza Yunus joins the lab as a PhD student.
18.11.2022Eddy Ilg became ELLIS Unit Faculty, allowing him to be a first supervisor and recruit through ELLIS.
15.11.2022Tomas Amado, Cameron Braunstein and Devikalyan Das are joining the lab as Master’s students.
1.10.2022Eddy Ilg became area chair for BMVC and CVPR.
4.9.2022The lab has open positions for PhDs and PostDocs.
8.5.2022Suraj Sudhakar and Kevin Raj are joining the lab as Hiwis.
16.8.2022The lab will offer a seminar on “3D Representations for Deep Learning in Computer Vision” in the upcoming winter semester 2022/23 – see the guest lecture on the upcoming Friday.
7.6.2022Eddy Ilg was awarded a tenure-track professorship at Saarland University.
25.5.2022Eddy Ilg became an ELLIS member.
8.5.2022The lab has an open Hiwi Position.
8.5.2022Tom Fischer and Nikhil Paliwal are joining the lab for their Master’s thesis.
27.4.2022The lab became a Continual AI Unit.
2.3.2022NinjaDesc has been accepted to CVPR 2022.
28.2.2022Our paper on explicit radiance field reconstruction without deep learning is available on arXiv.


15.10.2021Our paper on mitigating reverse engineering attacks on local feature descriptors was accepted to BMVC.


29.7.2020Our paper on domain adaptation of learned features for visual localization was accepted to BMVC.
7.7.2020Our paper on tight learned inertial odometry was accepted to RAL/IROS.
7.3.2020Our paper on deep local shapes was accepted to ECCV.