Learning Technologies Lab

Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke

The Learning Technologies Lab focuses on investigating and advancing the field of learning technologies through research and development. Its primary goal is to explore the intersection of education and technology, aiming to enhance and optimize the learning process across various domains.

The lab engages in a wide range of activities, including:

Research and Development

The lab conducts research on emerging technologies, such as learning experience design, usability, and user experience methods. It explores how these technologies can be effectively applied to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Experimentation and Prototyping

The lab designs and develops experimental prototypes to test the feasibility and effectiveness of new learning technologies. These prototypes often involve interactive learning environments or mobile applications..

Pedagogical Innovation

The lab partners the DIGITAL LEAD Team at UTN StaRs with educators and instructional designers to explore innovative pedagogical approaches. It investigates how learning technologies can be integrated into curricula and instructional practices to improve engagement, personalization, and learner outcomes.

Evaluation and Assessment

The lab conducts evaluations and assessments of learning technologies to determine their impact and efficiency. It employs research methodologies, data analysis, and user feedback to measure the effectiveness of different tools and approaches in supporting learning objectives.

Collaboration and Partnerships

The lab fosters collaboration with academia, industry, and educational institutions. It works closely with researchers, educators, and technology developers to exchange knowledge, share resources, and drive innovation in the learning technologies field.

Knowledge Sharing

The lab shares its research discoveries through publishing in various forms, participating in conferences and workshops, and utilizing online platforms. It takes an active role in enriching the academic community and offers valuable insights, best practices, and lessons learned for the advancement of the broader learning technologies field.

Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke
Professor of Information Science
and Learning Technologies

Overall, the Learning Technologies Lab serves as a hub for interdisciplinary exploration, experimentation, and advancement of technologies that have the potential to revolutionize how we teach and learn. The efforts of the lab play a vital role in the continuous development of educational methods, guaranteeing that technology is leveraged to its maximum capacity to create compelling, efficient, and effective learning experiences.

Current Research Projects

LeadCom, funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany) is a research network with 11 higher education institutions coordinated by the University of Nürnberg-Erlangen, and offers an advanced training and support system for school administrators and teachers involved in digital school development. The research partners design and want to establish a new digital communication and cooperation practice to enhance digital leadership.

The project at UTN provides training methods and practical materials for digital school development at K-12 schools. The model of “Digital Didactical Design” (DDD), that has been previously developed and studied in Scandinavia and the United States, will be used and implemented. While working with the stakeholders in the schools together, DDD will be adjusted to theor needs; a digital version will be made available, and implemented in schools for teaching practice for student learning with digital technologies. In collaboration with the other partners in the research network, training and consulting services on digital leadership, including digital communication and collaboration, will be co-created, co-developed, and evaluated in several workshops with the digital leaders together. The overall goal is to enhance “digital leaders” at schools, so that they are able to integrate digital teaching and learning practices. The materials, methods and tools used in the UTN project will be evaluated and developed further by applying Learning Experience Design methods, i.e. usability, user experience and instructional design.

Award #: 01JA23E01F
Project period: August 2023 to March 2026


List of publications of Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke auf Google Scholar


Prof. Isa Jahnke

Founding Vice President for Academic and International Affairs

Carina Ziegler

Doctoral Researcher

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