Press Releases

General Press Releases

New Master’s program at the University of Technology Nuremberg combines computer science, psychology and philosophy 

The University of Technology Nuremberg has opened the application phase for its second Master’s program in Human and Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc./M.A.). The English-language program starts in the winter semester 2025/2026…
Read more about "New Master’s program at the University of Technology Nuremberg combines computer science, psychology and philosophy "

Foto: Albert Füracker, MdL, Bayerischer Staatsminister der Finanzen und für Heimat sowie Professor Alexander Martin, stellvertretender Gründungspräsident der UTN mit der unterzeichneten Kooperation für eine weitreichende Zusammenarbeit. (Copyright: Dieter Zeitler)
General Press Releases

Driving digitalization in tax administration with AI: Bavarian State Minister for Finance and Home Affairs Füracker and UTN Acting Founding President Martin sign declaration of intent

On Friday, 2 August 2024, Albert Füracker, Bavarian State Minister of Finance and Homeland, and Professor Alexander Martin, Acting Founding President of the UTN, signed a declaration of intent to initiate a comprehensive cooperation. This cooperation aims to achieve a significant objective: integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into public administration. The integration is expected to enhance the efficiency of tax administration, reduce costs and expedite processes for taxpayers.
Read more about "Driving digitalization in tax administration with AI: Bavarian State Minister for Finance and Home Affairs Füracker and UTN Acting Founding President Martin sign declaration of intent"

Der Sachverständigenrat bestehend aus 5 Personen präsentiert das Jahresgutachten 2023/24.
General Press Releases

Weak Economy and Green Freight Transport: Council of Economic Experts Presents New Report

Despite a stabilizing economy, Germany’s economic growth will be modest this year. This conclusion originates from the Council of Economic Experts in their spring report presented today. Along with the economic forecast, the experts, led by Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm from the University of Technology Nuremberg, provide an in-depth analysis of decarbonizing freight transport.
Read more about "Weak Economy and Green Freight Transport: Council of Economic Experts Presents New Report"

Prof. Prömel und Prof. Grimm stehen neben einem grünen Rollup mit dem Logo der UTN. Prof. Prömel übergibt Prof. Grimm die Urkunde.
General Press Releases

University of Technology Nuremberg appoints Sage of Economy Veronika Grimm

Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm will assume the Professorship of Energy Systems and Market Design at the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) on March 1, 2024. Grimm’s research focuses on energy markets and energy market modeling, behavioral economics, social networks, auctions and market design.
Read more about "University of Technology Nuremberg appoints Sage of Economy Veronika Grimm"