
In der Grafik werden die Campusumrisse aus Vogelperspektive dargestellt. Der Blick geht von der Dr.-Luise-Herzberg-Straße stadteinwärts.
General Press Releases

Winner Design Selected for the Structural and Urban Design Framework for the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN)

According to the Founding President Prof. Dr. Prömel, “the chosen design offers an excellent basis for implementing the ambitious concept of the University of Technology Nuremberg: a campus university where…
Read more about "Winner Design Selected for the Structural and Urban Design Framework for the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN)"

Auf der Luftbildaufnahme ist die Fläche der UTN rot eingezeichnet. Rechts ist die Münchener Straße zu erkennen, der Blick geht stadteinwärts.
General Press Releases

A Further Step Towards the Foundation of the University of Technology Nuremberg: Bavaria’s Minister of Science, Bernd Sibler, Presents the Draft Version of the Establishment Act

“A unique chance to establish a university with model qualities“ – interdisciplinary, international and digital approach – lean governance from the start. MUNICH. Today, Bavaria’s Minister of Science, Bernd Sibler,…
Read more about "A Further Step Towards the Foundation of the University of Technology Nuremberg: Bavaria’s Minister of Science, Bernd Sibler, Presents the Draft Version of the Establishment Act"