Modern work spaces instead of classic individual offices
We are rethinking university – not only in research and teaching, but also in the way we work. That is why we are focusing on an innovative New Work concept in our interim building and in the planning of the campus buildings. In order to anchor this in practice, we have adapted our premises to our work concept.
Open Space
The open-space areas are primarily designed for quiet working. They are equipped with height-adjustable desks and ergonomic office chairs. Acoustic ceilings, carpeted floors and panels on the walls dampen the noise level. Each team has fixed work areas. However, to enable interdisciplinary work, there are no fixed workstations. Personal belongings can be stored in lockers in the Resource Center. Multifunctional devices for copying, printing and scanning as well as office supplies are also available there.

Flex rooms
Anyone who wants to work in a particularly concentrated manner, hold confidential talks or discuss matters in small groups can book a so-called flex room. Various furnishing options and a screen for digital presentations and video conferences make the use flexible.
Meeting rooms
The UTN has meeting rooms for eight to twelve people for traditional meetings or collaborative work. They are also equipped with various furniture and digital end devices.

During breaks or for informal meetings, employees meet in the lounge area. Here you will find fully equipped kitchens and high tables or tables at seat height with comfortable seating.
Copyright: Aura