Robotics, Energy Transition and AI – Gifted Students from the Middle Franconian Talent Program visit UTN

Eine Gruppe Schülerinnen und Schüler stehen in einem Halbkreis. Sie blicken auf einen Roboterhund, der vor ihnen steht.

How can robots learn? What constitutes efficient data compression? And what role does mathematics play in artificial intelligence? These and many other questions were at the center of a visit to the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) by students from the Hochbegabtenmodell Mittelfranken (talent program for gifted students in Middle Franconia).

After a brief welcome and introduction to the UTN and its study opportunities, the 14 students first went to the Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. The group gained practical insights into research and experienced the work of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab during a live demonstration of various robots. Afterwards, the focus was on the efficient storage of data. An interactive game by the Data Systems Lab showed how modern file formats work and the potential that innovative compression methods offer for optimized data processing.

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to another forward-looking topic: the energy transition. How can energy systems be optimally designed? Which market mechanisms play a role? And which technologies are crucial to enable a sustainable energy supply? The students discussed these questions with Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm from the Energy Systems and Market Design Lab and gained exciting insights into a highly topical field of research. 

The event concluded with a look at the connection between mathematics and artificial intelligence. Can artificial intelligence beat humans at math? What does this mean for research in mathematics? And what role does mathematics play in the development and understanding of artificial intelligence? The students explored these topics during an interactive session with Prof. Dr. Christoph Hertrich at the Applied Discrete Mathematics Lab.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sprechen zu jungen Schülerinnen und Schülern.
Daniel Braga Nascimento and Stefanie Herberger from the StaRs-Unit provide students with an overview of study programs at UTN.
Eine junge Frau steht vor einem Roboterhund und beantwortet jungen Schülerinnen und Schülern Fragen.
During a visit to the CSAI department, PhD student Reihaneh Mirjalili answers questions about her research in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab.
Eine Frau steht vor einem Bildschirm und zeigt auf eine Landkarte. Vor ihr sitzen Schülerinnen und Schüler.
The discussion with Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm from the Energy Systems and Market Design Lab centers on the energy transition.

About the Hochbegabtenmodell Mittelfranken

The Hochbegabtenmodell Mittelfranken (a talent program for gifted students in Middle Franconia) targets particularly gifted students with a wide range of interests in grades 9 through 11, primarily from the greater Nuremberg, Fürth, and Erlangen area. However, it is also open to pupils from other grammar schools in Middle Franconia.

In this enrichment program, the participants deal with questions from the linguistic-literary, social science, mathematical-scientific and psychological fields in a project-oriented manner.