Junior-Studium@UTN: University of Technology Nuremberg Launches New Programme for School Students

Die Technische Univty of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) is inviting students in grades 10 to (soon coming) 13 to take part in a new study programme called Junior-Studium@UTN. This annual series of events offers young people the opportunity to get to know the UTN and its study programmes. It also encourages them to reflect on their own role in society, develop new perspectives and actively address the challenges of our time.

The series focuses on pressing issues such as climate change, social justice, innovative technologies and education. Lectures and seminars will allow participants to explore these issues in depth, contribute their own ideas and engage in dialogue with experts. The aim is to inspire individuals to see how they (each and every one of them) can contribute to shaping a sustainable and fairer future.

Prof. Dr. Gyburg Uhlmann, Founding Chair of the Department of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and coordinator of the programme, describes the idea behind Junior-Studium@UTN as follows: “Junior Studium@UTN offers young people the opportunity to experience how a university works and to get to know the intensive exchange between the technical and natural sciences on the one hand and the humanities and social sciences on the other hand at UTN. No single discipline can answer the big questions of our time on its own, and we want to show students how they can take responsibility and actively contribute to shaping the knowledge society of the 21st century – as engineers, computer scientists, historians or philosophers.”

More information and the dates for the Junior Study Programme can be found here.

Other persons who are interested may attend the events, if there are still places available.