Foundation for the First Building of the University of Technology Nuremberg

Die Redner stehen vor einem gemauerten Schach, auf dem "UTN Grundsteinlegung Cube One" steht. Dr. Söder hält in seinen Händen die Zeitkapsel.
Marcus König, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Nürnberg, Christian Bernreiter, Bayerischer Staatsminister für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr, Dr. Markus Söder, Bayerischer Ministerpräsident, Markus Blume, Bayerischer Staatsminister für Wissenschaft und Kunst und Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Jürgen Prömel, Gründungspräsident der TU Nürnberg (Copyright: Dieter Zeitler/TU Nürnberg)

In August 2021, the ground-breaking ceremony took place for Cube One. In the presence of Minister-President of Bavaria Dr. Markus Söder, the foundation was now symbolically laid for the first building.

NUREMBERG. In his address, Dr. Markus Söder spoke of a milestone in university history: “For decades, this has been the first new foundation of a university in Germany. With the University of Technology Nuremberg, we will strengthen the academic landscape of Bavaria. The new university will house up to 6,000 students and over 200 professors. Each university gives new momentum to the economy. The aim is to train highly qualified specialists for the future. Today’s laying of a foundation marks the first step in this direction.” During the ceremony, a time capsule was filled with various items of the presence. The Minister-President of Bavaria contributed a printout of the Act on the Establishment of the University of Technology Nuremberg.

Markus Blume, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and the Arts, placed a USB-stick into the capsule, which was designed as R2D2 and contained a programming code: “A foundation for the future! This is the start of a centennial project – the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN) will be Germany’s first new university in the 21st century. Investments in science make all the difference. Furthermore, the UTN is a commitment to climate protection: From the very beginning, the campus will be climate-neutral.”

An Urban Campus Blending Teaching, Learning and Living

As a symbol for the enormous architectural challenges ahead, Christian Bernreiter, Bavarian Minister of State for Building, Housing and Transport, put photos of the empty construction site into the time capsule. “I am excited that with this foundation ceremony, the first building of the new campus will enter into its active construcion phase. The Bavarian State Building Authority has been responsible for the construction of the new campus from the beginning. The State Department of Planning and Building Control of  Erlangen-Nuremberg has put special emphasis on a sustainable design and construction concept.  Especially the sustainable hybrid-timber construction of the modern Cube One will determine the university’s aesthetics from the start.”

As a symbol for the physical integration of the new university into the City of Nuremberg, its Lord Mayor Marcus König placed a tramway model into the capsule: “With laying the foundation of the first campus building of the University of Technology Nuremberg, it becomes visible to everyone as the heart of the new quarters of Lichtenreuth. The challenge now is to let the new center of science form a bond with the urban structure as an innovative place of learning and living. We are grateful to the State of Bavaria for investing about 1.2 billion Euro into the new university and into Nuremberg as a location for higher education. It will become a new academic beacon for the metropolitan region of Nuremberg!”

Model University

The significance of Cube One was reflected by a 3D-model of the building. Michael Lueb, Division Manager for University Construction at the State Department of Planning and Building Control of Erlangen-Nuremberg, added: “With its tailor-made concept to meet all aspects of sustainability, Cube One is an epitome of all architectural targets of the University of Technology Nuremberg.”

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Jürgen Prömel, Founding President of the University of Technology Nuremberg, added a mug to the capsule bearing the new corporate design of the university, while emphasizing: “Today, we have not only laid the foundation for our first building. Cube One will be the foundation for a state-of-the-art campus where we will innovate the concept of a university not only when it comes to research and teaching, but also regarding its structure and administration. With its interdisciplinary approach, a future-oriented range of subjects and new teaching and learning spaces, it will truly be a model university.”

Sustainable Architecture and Flexible Use of Space

Around early 2024, the Founding Executive Board and the Department Chairs, along with their executive staff, will move into the first building on the campus of the University of Technology Nuremberg. Parts of the administration and some central functions will also be located there. With an area of approx. 2,500 m² on six floors, the building will house up to 120 persons. These areas are flexible in use and can be adapted to changing requirements. Cube One will be a timber construction, with the building’s core made from recycled concrete. Based on its design, the building will have a very low energy consumption, thereby meeting passive house standards. A photovoltaic plant on the roof will produce part of the required energy. Two facades will feature a trellis to provide for large-scale greening.

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About the University of Technology Nuremberg

The University of Technology Nuremberg was founded on January 1, 2021 and has been the first new foundation of a state-run university in Bavaria since 1978.  With its consistently interdisciplinary approach, an innovative spectrum of subjects, new teaching methods and a future-oriented organizational structure, a model university will be created when it comes to teaching and research. The university is to have an international, interdisciplinary and digital approach. Upon completion, up to 6,000 students will be able to study on a campus embedded in the surrounding quarters.